Monday, January 1, 2024

Took a few photos today on Thanksgiving. Mice have been active in the garage, they sneak in from outside and were eating corms of some moraeas and oxalis so war it is. Four mice have been dispatched of in the last couple of days and both glue and snap traps are in strategic positions to deter further rodent depredations.
Mousetraps baited with peanut butter and/or placed in pots near or where the vermin have struck. The moraeas they ate were from a packet of hybrid seeds that I got and were on their third year of growth so that was a loss that was particularly annoying.
These nerines and amarines were cut before frost, the amarines did not yeild seed but the white Nerine bowdenii did a few weeks after this photo was taken. They have been planted on the surface in a pot of mainly promix with some perlite. They first form a root and a small bulb, then a leaf will eventually emerge.
Winter growing Nerine humilis blooms along with one of many winter growing oxalis from South Africa under lights in the garage. Some sunlight reaches some of the plant shelves during sunny days as well. Temperatures tend to be cool which favor these winter growers, although a cool greenhouse would be even better.