Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mystery Arctotis--What are you?

Flower of mystery Arctotis

Foliage of mystery Arctotis

Helichrysum splendidum (front), Mystery Arctotis and some Berkheya radula flowers in back

I do have a bad habit of losing labels and although I have a near encylopedic mind when it comes to plants, I am not sure what this plant is.  It probably came from Silverhill and is a rapid growing plant with very divided leaves, I want to say its Arctotis revoluta, but the flower color is wrong. I like the interesting foliage, and it spreads out over a fairly large area, but alas it is not a profuse bloomer.  I counted something like two flowers all season long.  Perhaps it had something to do with the lack of sun this past summer, or maybe it is naturally a winter growing plant that wouldn't flower well if it doesn't get a prolonged chill.  The flower is very much like the flower of Senecio macrocepalus, and about the same size too, which would be more impressive on a smaller plant.  This Arctotis is not hardy at all, frosts quickly did it in, but not before I took cuttings and rooted them in water in my classroom.  With some luck, I will overwinter them under lights and set them out again next year to see what they do.

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